In Honor of Turning a Year Older this Month:
10. The music you listened to in high school has its' own channel on Sirius/XM.
9. If you don't leave the house by 7 pm, you are not leaving the house.
8. You keep track of what day of the week it is using a pill case.
7. You see a doctor at least once a month.
6. You use scientific studies viewed on Good Morning America as a reason to eat more chocolate and drink more wine...(as if children were not reason enough).
5. The sitcoms you watched as a kid are now on Nick at Night.
4. What you wore as a kid is now back in style.
3. You can remember when there wasn't Internet.
2. You can remember when kindergartners did not have cell phones.
1. At least three movies you watched as a kid have been remade!
Bonus: You've found God! ( You're either getting old or you're in trouble)
Feel free to add to my list in the comments below!